Category: Atlassian apps

A workflow that works for every team

A workflow that works for every team

There is no software without the team that makes it. Many different people participate in the process of creating a product. First, Analysts gather requirements along with the customers and Product Owners, then it’s time for coding executed by Developers, then it comes to testing, reporting, coding again, and so […]

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RTM vs Xray – the two testing tools for Jira that count (and which one is better for you)

RTM vs Xray – the two testing tools for Jira that count (and which one is better for you)

Jira as a perfect testing tool Testing in Jira is getting popular among the most successful companies. There are many reasons for choosing this test management solution. The first is that the Atlassian’s suite is usually well-known by all team members, even by the newcomers and beginners. The grand majority […]

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